127-24 |
Protect Critical Family Day Care Services in Braddon
31/1/2025 |
124 |
116-24 |
Northern Prison
26/11/2024 |
307 |
26/11/2024 |
Premier |
26/11/2024 |
6/5/2025 |
120-24 |
CBD Crimes
20/11/2024 |
69 |
26/11/2024 |
Premier |
26/11/2024 |
6/5/2025 |
122-24 |
Stop Wind Farms, Marinus Link and Compare Better Solutions for All Tasmanians
18/11/2024 |
721 |
27/11/2024 |
Premier |
27/11/2024 |
7/5/2025 |
123-24 |
Water quality in the Derwent catchment
15/11/2024 |
841 |
19/11/2024 |
Premier |
19/11/2024 |
8/4/2025 |
121-24 |
An Advisory Student Board for TASC
8/11/2024 |
67 |
20/11/2024 |
Premier |
20/11/2024 |
9/4/2025 |
117-24 |
Evandale Heritage Triangle
1/11/2024 |
71 |
20/11/2024 |
Premier |
20/11/2024 |
9/4/2025 |
118-24 |
Hate Crime Legislation
4/10/2024 |
1,520 |
17/10/2024 |
Jeremy Rockliff |
17/10/2024 |
24/3/2025 |
119-24 |
Ban Puppy Farms
9/9/2024 |
6,383 |
17/9/2024 |
Premier |
17/9/2024 |
11/3/2025 |
115-24 |
Racially motivated attacks against multicultural Tasmanians
10/6/2024 |
6,447 |
12/6/2024 |
Premier |
12/6/2024 |
18/9/2024 |
114-24 |
Bring Back Social Poker
4/3/2024 |
544 |
15/5/2024 |
Premier |
15/5/2024 |
12/9/2024 |
113-23 |
Glenorchy War Memorial Pool
15/10/2023 |
619 |
31/10/2023 |
Premier |
31/10/2023 |
9/4/2024 |
112-23 |
Removal of bronze statue of Dr William Crowther
30/9/2023 |
1,037 |
111-23 |
Basketball Court Shortages in Launceston
12/6/2023 |
619 |
22/6/2023 |
Premier |
22/6/2023 |
28/9/2023 |
110-23 |
Build a Fair Transport System for Southern Tasmania
7/6/2023 |
599 |
15/5/2024 |
Premier |
15/5/2024 |
7/8/2024 |
108-23 |
Empty Homes Levy
17/5/2023 |
1,654 |
23/5/2023 |
Premier |
23/5/2023 |
5/9/2023 |
109-23 |
Tasmania's Salmon Industry - validation of expansion
30/4/2023 |
2,059 |
9/5/2023 |
Premier |
9/5/2023 |
15/8/2023 |
103-22 |
TLRI Report 'Conversion Therapy"
30/11/2022 |
3,190 |
28/2/2023 |
Premier |
28/2/2023 |
30/5/2023 |
107-22 |
Save StudentWorks
24/11/2022 |
323 |
24/11/2022 |
Premier |
24/11/2022 |
25/5/2023 |
101-22 |
Pass Laws to Prohibit LGBTIQA+ Conversion Practices
23/11/2022 |
6,011 |
24/11/2022 |
Premier |
24/11/2022 |
25/5/2023 |
106-22 |
So Long Salmon Farms - Give Back Long Bay
26/9/2022 |
1,287 |
19/10/2022 |
Premier |
19/10/2022 |
23/3/2023 |
104-22 |
Moratorium on expansion on finfish farming in Tasmanian and Commonwealth waters
26/9/2022 |
1,140 |
19/10/2022 |
Premier |
19/10/2022 |
23/3/2023 |
105-22 |
Reinstating masks in medical settings and services accessed by vulnerable people
5/8/2022 |
961 |
16/8/2022 |
Premier |
16/8/2022 |
25/10/2022 |
100-22 |
Inadequate processes for assessing and approving private tourism developments in Tasmania's national parks
4/8/2022 |
2,673 |
17/8/2022 |
Premier |
17/8/2022 |
26/10/2022 |
99-21 |
Listing of Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) as a declared weed
16/6/2022 |
1,782 |
26/10/2022 |
Premier |
26/10/2022 |
29/3/2023 |
102-22 |
Lift Tasmanian Mandates Now
14/6/2022 |
3,011 |
16/6/2022 |
Premier |
16/6/2022 |
29/9/2022 |
98-21 |
End Public Funding of Greyhound Racing
9/6/2022 |
13,519 |
14/6/2022 |
Premier |
14/6/2022 |
27/9/2022 |
96-21 |
Legislative Changes to Guarantee Housing as a Human Right
30/5/2022 |
816 |
31/5/2022 |
Premier |
31/5/2022 |
13/9/2022 |
95-21 |
Health System Understaffing
31/3/2022 |
2,404 |
2/6/2022 |
Premier |
2/6/2022 |
15/9/2022 |
97-21 |
Burnie Court House to Remain in CBD
28/2/2022 |
1,192 |
10/3/2022 |
Premier |
10/3/2022 |
16/6/2022 |
92-21 |
Less Than Adequate Ambulance Resources
12/2/2022 |
1,031 |
10/3/2022 |
Premier |
10/3/2022 |
16/6/2022 |
90-21 |
Size of the House of Assembly, Tasmanian Parliament
23/1/2022 |
401 |
25/5/2022 |
Premier |
25/5/2022 |
14/9/2022 |
89-21 |
Dynnyrne Residents Against Demolition
19/11/2021 |
2,529 |
24/11/2021 |
Premier |
24/11/2021 |
25/5/2022 |
91-21 |
Stop Killing our Eagles
5/11/2021 |
1,036 |
9/11/2021 |
Premier |
9/11/2021 |
3/5/2022 |
94-21 |
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Rates Methodology
24/9/2021 |
75 |
28/10/2021 |
Premier |
28/10/2021 |
24/3/2022 |
93-21 |
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council Governance
24/9/2021 |
255 |
28/10/2021 |
Premier |
28/10/2021 |
24/3/2022 |
86-21 |
Facilities at Queenborough Oval
5/7/2021 |
382 |
24/8/2021 |
Premier |
24/8/2021 |
9/11/2021 |
88-21 |
Cruel and Unsustainable Practice of Shooting Native Ducks
6/6/2021 |
1,885 |
24/6/2021 |
Premier |
24/6/2021 |
14/10/2021 |
84-20 |
Castle Forbes Forest
29/4/2021 |
730 |
11/11/2021 |
Premier |
11/11/2021 |
14/4/2022 |
81-20 |
Northern Prison
14/3/2021 |
456 |
25/3/2021 |
Premier |
25/3/2021 |
1/7/2021 |
82-20 |
Industrial Tourist Highway Jeffery's Track
1/3/2021 |
178 |
83-20 |
Equal protection/Repeal Section 50 'Domestic Discipline' defence Criminal Code Act
28/2/2021 |
58 |
4/3/2021 |
Premier |
4/3/2021 |
27/5/2021 |
87-21 |
A container deposit scheme to serve Tasmania's needs
26/2/2021 |
437 |
3/3/2021 |
Premier |
3/3/2021 |
26/5/2021 |
85-20 |
1/1/2021 |
96 |
4/3/2021 |
Premier |
4/3/2021 |
27/5/2021 |
80-20 |
End of Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying)
6/8/2020 |
11,699 |
19/8/2020 |
Premier |
19/8/2020 |
11/11/2020 |
77-19 |
Pill Testing
14/5/2020 |
2,113 |
76-19 |
No new thermal coal projects
21/4/2020 |
830 |
75-19 |
Wildlife Protection and Management
19/3/2020 |
1,433 |
78-19 |
Protect Tasmania's National Parks and Reserves from Inappropriate Commercial Developments
29/2/2020 |
1,345 |
79-19 |
Anti-protest laws
28/2/2020 |
3,257 |
4/6/2020 |
Premier |
4/6/2020 |
13/10/2020 |
74-19 |
Leatherwood Retention During Timber Harvesting Operations
31/8/2019 |
846 |
3/9/2019 |
Premier |
3/9/2019 |
12/11/2019 |
73-18 |
Stop Cruise Ship Pollution
26/10/2018 |
131 |
20/11/2018 |
Premier |
20/11/2018 |
30/9/2020 |
72-17 |
Size of House of Assembly, Tasmanian Parliament
18/11/2017 |
12 |
71-17 |
Tasmanian Health Crisis
5/6/2017 |
120 |
15/6/2017 |
Premier |
15/6/2017 |
19/10/2017 |
70-17 |
Save East Launceston Recreation Ground
28/5/2017 |
163 |
31/5/2017 |
Premier |
31/5/2017 |
20/9/2017 |
67-16 |
Voluntary Euthanasia
29/8/2016 |
686 |
13/9/2016 |
Premier |
13/9/2016 |
17/11/2016 |
65-16 |
Right to peaceful protest in Tasmania
2/8/2016 |
619 |
63-16 |
Gun Control and Public Safety
25/7/2016 |
122 |
66-16 |
National Child Protection Database
1/6/2016 |
84 |
64-16 |
Ban greyhound racing in Tasmania
30/5/2016 |
151 |
16/6/2016 |
Premier |
16/6/2016 |
13/10/2016 |
69-16 |
Continued Support of Tasmanian LGBTI students
20/4/2016 |
299 |
4/5/2016 |
Premier |
4/5/2016 |
24/8/2016 |
68-16 |
Metro West Hobart and Mount Stuart Bus route changes
29/3/2016 |
91 |
5/4/2016 |
Premier |
5/4/2016 |
14/6/2016 |
62-15 |
Expungement of criminal records
1/2/2016 |
672 |
8/3/2016 |
Premier |
8/3/2016 |
24/5/2016 |
61-15 |
Reverse the Tasmanian eSchool Staff Cuts
13/11/2015 |
352 |
17/11/2015 |
Premier |
17/11/2015 |
3/5/2016 |
60-15 |
Removal of Section 17: Anti-Discrimination Act 1998
13/11/2015 |
22 |
58-15 |
Fair treatment for owners of solar photovoltaic (PV)
3/11/2015 |
142 |
17/11/2015 |
Premier |
17/11/2015 |
3/5/2016 |
57-15 |
Acknowledgment of the distress and pain felt by swordfish
4/10/2015 |
5 |
59-15 |
Water and Sewerage Costs
1/10/2015 |
24 |
56-15 |
Size of the House of Assembly, Tasmanian Parliament
27/9/2015 |
2 |
55-15 |
Legislating to recognise the acts of bullying, stalking and cyber-bullying and its effects on victims
28/4/2015 |
54 |
54-14 |
Retention of Midlands Multi-Purpose Health Centre and Services
26/11/2014 |
123 |
27/11/2014 |
Premier |
27/11/2014 |
13/4/2015 |
53-14 |
Fair Egg Regulations for Smallholders
26/10/2014 |
461 |
28/10/2014 |
Premier |
28/10/2014 |
24/3/2015 |
52-14 |
Legalising the production, processing and administration of medicinal cannabis
18/8/2014 |
1,709 |
19/8/2014 |
Premier |
19/8/2014 |
28/10/2014 |
51-14 |
Construction of a cycle lane between Bonnet Hill and Taroona
31/7/2014 |
519 |
19/8/2014 |
Premier |
19/8/2014 |
28/10/2014 |
49-14 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament (House of Assembly)
22/7/2014 |
19 |
19/8/2014 |
Premier |
19/8/2014 |
28/10/2014 |
50-14 |
Expunging criminal records for gay sex and apologising for anti-gay laws
4/4/2014 |
1 |
48-13 |
Independent Review of the Tasmanian Disability Education Support System
19/11/2013 |
524 |
21/11/2013 |
Premier |
21/11/2013 |
21/8/2014 |
47-13 |
Review of Tasmania's Stalking Laws (Chloe's Law)
19/11/2013 |
4,575 |
20/11/2013 |
Premier |
20/11/2013 |
20/8/2014 |
45-13 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament (House of Assembly)
14/10/2013 |
29 |
16/10/2013 |
Premier |
16/10/2013 |
4/6/2014 |
46-13 |
Speed Limit Reductions on Non-Urban Roads
11/8/2013 |
3,064 |
39-13 |
Detention of Repeat Offenders of Violent Crime
31/5/2013 |
161 |
26/6/2013 |
Premier |
26/6/2013 |
16/10/2013 |
44-13 |
Decriminalisation of Abortion
16/4/2013 |
1,035 |
30/4/2013 |
Premier |
30/4/2013 |
29/8/2013 |
43-13 |
Abortion on Demand (Up to 9 Months)
16/4/2013 |
3,613 |
16/4/2013 |
Premier |
16/4/2013 |
22/8/2013 |
40-13 |
Crime and Antisocial Behaviour in Rocherlea
15/4/2013 |
55 |
18/4/2013 |
Premier |
18/4/2013 |
28/8/2013 |
42-13 |
Late-term Abortion
15/4/2013 |
4,113 |
16/4/2013 |
Premier |
16/4/2013 |
22/8/2013 |
37-12 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament (House of Assembly)
31/3/2013 |
52 |
41-13 |
West Coast Wilderness Railway
4/3/2013 |
563 |
38-12 |
After School & Vacation Care for Children with a Disability
28/2/2013 |
28 |
5/3/2013 |
Premier |
5/3/2013 |
21/5/2013 |
36-12 |
FV Margiris
16/11/2012 |
567 |
35-12 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament (House of Assembly)
18/7/2012 |
61 |
26-11 |
Former Kingston High School Site
3/12/2011 |
99 |
25-11 |
Introduction of Container Deposit Legislation
23/11/2011 |
217 |
23/8/2012 |
Premier |
23/8/2012 |
20/11/2012 |
31-11 |
Axing of Tasmania Police Recruitment Courses
21/11/2011 |
212 |
24-11 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament
1/11/2011 |
79 |
34-11 |
Port Sorell School
31/10/2011 |
25 |
32-11 |
Funding Cuts to the Launceston General Hospital
25/10/2011 |
350 |
27/10/2011 |
Premier |
27/10/2011 |
29/3/2012 |
33-11 |
Cuts to Front-line Health Services
24/10/2011 |
189 |
30-11 |
DHHS Transition to Practice for Registered Nurses Program
17/10/2011 |
996 |
29-11 |
Kingston Police Station
16/9/2011 |
21 |
22/9/2011 |
Premier |
22/9/2011 |
6/3/2012 |
28-11 |
Forest Agreement
16/9/2011 |
949 |
20/9/2011 |
Premier |
20/9/2011 |
23/11/2011 |
27-11 |
Proposed Closure of Sandy Bay Infant School
15/7/2011 |
147 |
22-11 |
Pulp Mill
4/7/2011 |
1,425 |
22/9/2011 |
Premier |
22/9/2011 |
6/3/2012 |
23-11 |
Eskleigh Home Funding
30/5/2011 |
54 |
15/6/2011 |
Premier |
15/6/2011 |
28/9/2011 |
19-10 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament
13/4/2011 |
48 |
20-10 |
Healthy Cataract Gorge and Tamar River
8/3/2011 |
72 |
9/3/2011 |
Premier |
9/3/2011 |
25/5/2011 |
21-11 |
Tamar Silt Problem
6/3/2011 |
65 |
17/3/2011 |
Premier |
17/3/2011 |
16/6/2011 |
17-10 |
Native Forest Woodfired Power
23/8/2010 |
1,193 |
18-10 |
Size of the Tasmanian Parliament
31/7/2010 |
86 |
16-10 |
Taxi Rank Shelter - Castray Esplanade
1/4/2010 |
17 |
10/6/2010 |
Premier |
10/6/2010 |
2/9/2010 |
14-09 |
Use of triazine herbacides
24/3/2010 |
1,136 |
31/8/2010 |
13-09 |
Clarke and Freer Farms
4/3/2010 |
90 |
16/6/2010 |
Premier |
16/6/2010 |
22/9/2010 |
15-09 |
Arts Tasmania De-funding Edge Radio's Arts Initiative
12/2/2010 |
55 |
10/6/2010 |
Premier |
10/6/2010 |
2/9/2010 |
12-09 |
Upper Florentine logging and tourism strategy
16/11/2009 |
482 |
19/11/2009 |
Premier |
19/11/2009 |
25/8/2010 |
10-09 |
Upper Florentine logging and tourism strategy
3/8/2009 |
677 |
26/8/2009 |
Premier |
26/8/2009 |
5/11/2009 |
11-09 |
Tarkine Tourist Road
22/4/2009 |
52 |
9-08 |
Lease at Bryans Corner; Parks and Wildlife Service; and Brammall.
27/6/2008 |
52 |
1/7/2008 |
Premier |
1/7/2008 |
21/11/2008 |
8-08 |
Forest Industry's High Intensity Burning
23/5/2008 |
24 |
29/5/2008 |
Premier |
29/5/2008 |
23/9/2008 |
7-06 |
Inappropriate Payment
9/10/2006 |
1 |
6-05 |
Noxious Barking
22/5/2006 |
75 |
31/5/2006 |
Premier |
31/5/2006 |
31/8/2006 |
5-05 |
Jack Jumper Immunotherapy Progamme
23/1/2006 |
1,021 |
31/5/2006 |
Premier |
31/5/2006 |
31/8/2006 |
3-05 |
Noxious Barking
18/11/2005 |
115 |
22/11/2005 |
Premier |
22/11/2005 |
4/7/2006 |
4-05 |
Unsuitable Landfill Proposal
22/10/2005 |
40 |
27/10/2005 |
Premier |
27/10/2005 |
15/6/2006 |
2-05 |
Save the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
30/4/2005 |
2,791 |
24/5/2005 |
Premier |
24/5/2005 |
18/10/2005 |
1-04 |
Inappropriate Payment
14/10/2004 |
60 |
20/10/2004 |
Premier |
20/10/2004 |
24/3/2005 |