Principal Petitioner:
Paul Terrett
13 Devon Hills Road
Devon Hills
Sponsor: Tabatha Badger
Posting Date: 1/7/2024
Closing Date: 1/11/2024
Tabled Date: 20/11/2024
Referred To Minister: Premier on 20/11/2024
Response Due: 9/4/2025
The undersigned Electors of Lyons draw to the attention of the House the need to remove the electricity power poles from Russell Street and High Street in the Historic Precinct of Evandale. Evandale has a NMC designated heritage triangle. Special planning rules are in place to protect the heritage value of the properties within the triangle. Unfortunately the current above ground power distribution does not sit well with the heritage feel of the village. The newest area of the village has underground power.
Your petitioners therefore, request the House to call on TasNetworks to install underground power cables in the Historic Precinct of Evandale Township.