Principal Petitioner:
Gregory C Luck
7 Noyes Street
Swansea 7190
Sponsor: Mr John Tucker
Posting Date: 24/8/2021
Closing Date: 24/9/2021
Tabled Date: 28/10/2021
Responded Minister: Minister for Local Government on 24/3/2022
The petition of the undersigned residents and ratepayers of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Municipality, Tasmania are profoundly disappointed by the Council of Glamorgan Spring Bay and the lack of transparency, and community consultation, in its activities particularly in regards to the mechanisms employed in the introduction of the rating system for 2021/22.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call on the Government to establish a Board of Inquiry pursuant to the Local Government Act 1993 to investigate the financial and administrative affairs of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council and that such Board of inquiry:
1. Be required to produce definitive recommendations as to the rectification of such issues as are identified by the inquiry;
2. Conclude its inquiry within four months of its establishment;
3. Report to the Minister for Local Government each month on its progress and recommending appropriate action as deemed appropriate; and
4. The such monthly reports be tabled in the Parliament of Tasmania.