The petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania draws to the attention of the House the cruel and unsustainable practice of shooting native ducks.
- Every year, tens of thousands of native ducks are shot in lutruwita/Tasmania for 'sport'.
- Some of these ducks are killed outright or after retrieval. Many others are wounded but not found, and slowly die suffering pain and distress.
- Duck shooting also threatens the survival of wild duck species. Duck numbers are on the decline around Australia. Climate change pressures from droughts and fires on these water-dependent species is increasing.
- Duck shooting often causes the death of 'non-target' birds - including endangered ones - which are shot by mistake.
- Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland have banned duck shooting. These states recognised animal welfare and environmental protection are more important than a 'sport' enjoyed by a small number of people.
- It's time Tasmania did the same.
Your petitioners therefore ask the House to ban native duck shooting in lutruwita/Tasmania."