The petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania draws to the attention of the House:
- The forest in coupe FN005C is known to the Franklin and wider Huon Valley community as 'Castle Forbes Forest'. This forest contains significant ecological values that would be lost as a result of the scheduled clear-felling.
- Its tall, old-growth eucalyptus trees bear hollows that are core habitat for threatened species such as the masked owl and swift parrot. Two Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle nests sit a few hundred metres from the forest, and are vulnerable to clearing disturbance. The forest has old enormous leatherwood trees. The continued destruction of forests like Castle Forbes Forest is contributing to the decline of our threatened species.
- The Huon Valley community values Castle Forbes Forest for the exceptional enrichment it affords us and our children. We value the opportunity to walk through an ancient ecosystem so close to our homes, which supports such a diversity of life.
- The planned forestry clear-felling and regrowth operations will make our local environment more flammable. Converting tall, moisture-holding wet forests to dense, flammable regrowth so close to our homes and town is alarming. Particularly following the fires that drew so near in 2019, those in leadership roles should do all they can to protect communities from increasing the risk of bushfire.
Your Petitioners therefore ask the House to remove the Castle Forbes Forest from the Permanent Timber Production Zone, or otherwise permanently exclude it from logging operations.