Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Mr Peter Bright Unit 3, 33 Cypress Place Kingston Tasmania, 7050
Sponsor: Mr Tim Morris MHA
Posting Date: 22/11/2005
Closing Date: 22/5/2006
Tabled Date: 31/5/2006
Responded Minister: Minister Assisting the Premier on Local Government on 29/11/2006
75 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
The petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania draws to the attention of the House:
The huge and growing number of dogs kept in the Tasmanian suburban environment;
The estimation that there are 35% more dogs here, per caput, than in mainland Australia;
That most of Tasmania's dogs are kept in the suburbs under conditions of close confinement;
That the suburbs comprise a totally unnatural environment for an animal congenitally programmed to free-range;
That innumerable confined backyard dogs are left unattended by their owners because of work commitments, especially
during the daytime;
That many of these dogs bark intermittently or continuously because of their boredom, frustration, confinement and
deprivation of animal and human contact;
That such extended isolation to a dog, a social animal by nature, can be torture;
That the dog commonly vents its frustration, anguish and torment by whining, howling and loud continuous barking; and
That such barking is increasingly noxious to nearby humans, is often damaging to their health, and is contravention of s46 of the Dog Control Act 2000 now so commonly left almost entirely unenforced.
Your Petitioners therefore ask the House to:
Create the Dog Control Act offence "Leaving a Dog Unattended"; and
Compel enforcement by authorised persons with the words: "It is the obligation of any person on whom a function is
imposed or a power is conferred under this Act to perform the function or to exercise the power..."