Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Residents of Tasmania
Principal Petitioner:
Martine Delaney 35 Magnolia Road Risdon Vale
Sponsor: Andrea Dawkins MP
Posting Date: 24/3/2016
Closing Date: 20/4/2016
Tabled Date: 4/5/2016
Referred To Minister: Premier on 4/5/2016
Response Due: 24/8/2016
299 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
The petition of the undersigned citizens of Tasmania draws the attention of the House to the fact that:
• In Australia, young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people experience levels of discrimination and bullying significantly higher than others within the education system;
• Our schools have an obligation to do all they can to ameliorate the effects of this treatment on the mental health, wellbeing and educational opportunities of their LGBTI students;
• The recent decision of the Federal government to alter the content of the national Safe Schools Coalition program, and not fund it beyond June 2017, places the wellbeing and educational outcomes of LGBTI students at very real risk;
• Already, there is reported evidence of increased calls - by young LGBTI people - on mental health and other support services; and
• The Federal Government's decisions will have dire consequences for Tasmania through increased suicide ideation and completion, the loss of valuable young contributors to our communities, as well as greater demands upon mental health services and other supports.
Your Petitioners therefore request that the House:
Call upon the Hon. Premier Will Hodgman, and the Liberal government, to commit to ensuring the Safe Schools Coalition is replaced by a mandatory professional development program, aimed at ensuring Education Department staff are able to provide real support to LGBTI students and proactively foster school environments free of discrimination and bullying.