Acknowledgment of the distress and pain felt by swordfish
Eligibility - Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Hannah Salisbury 62 Oldham Avenue Newtown Tas 7008
Sponsor: Andrea Dawkins MP
Posting Date: 30/6/2015
Closing Date: 4/10/2015
5 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the House the inherent cruelty involved with recreational sword-fishing due to the fact that often fish are kept on the line for many hours before being reeled in and killed, or caught and released with a low rate of survival.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to require the Minister for Primary Industries and Water, also responsible for all animal welfare, to acknowledge the distress and pain felt by swordfish in this industry and take steps to ensure that Tasmanian waters are free from cruelty.