Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Kelly Wilton 1725 Glenora Road Bushy Park Tasmania 7140
Sponsor: Mrs Jacquie Petrusma MP
Posting Date: 10/8/2011
Closing Date: 16/9/2011
Tabled Date: 20/9/2011
Referred To Minister: Premier on 20/9/2011
Response Due: 23/11/2011
949 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the House that the Forest Agreement is disastrous for Tasmanian and will cost thousands of jobs. Its pitiful exchange of $700 million per year in economic activity for just $7 million in compensation is simply not acceptable. At the 2010 State election both major parties promised to extend the Regional Forest Agreement, not rip it up.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to require the Government to abide by its election commitment on forestry and abandon the Forest Agreement and if the Government fails to do so, to call upon the Premier to immediately call an election to seek a mandate for this disastrous proposal.