TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the House this petition to revoke the Pulp Mill Assessment Act 2007.
Your petitioners are concerned that the passing of the Act by the two major parties in Tasmania was of great grievance to Tasmanians because it undermined our democratic institutions. It gave a rubber stamp approval to the Gunns pulp mill in the Tamar Valley, which was found to be critically non-compliant by Tasmania's independent planning authority, the Resources Planning and Development Commission.
The undersigned Tasmanian Citizens remind the House that the parliament is our most cherished democratic institution for representational decision-making taking. However, our political representatives do not have the expertise required to be an authority for planning assessment and approval.
The undersigned Tasmanians remain unconvinced that the Pulp Mill Assessment Act 2007 will protect their well-being and the undersigned re-state that the proposed Gunns Ltd pulp mill does not have a social license and is undeserving of any further public funding.
Your petitioners therefore pray that the House repeal the Pulp Mill Assessment Act 2007.