Arts Tasmania De-funding Edge Radio's Arts Initiative
Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Melanie Page Arts Building, UTAS Churchill Avenue Sandy Bay
Sponsor: Ms Cassy O'Connor MP
Posting Date: 10/12/2009
Closing Date: 12/2/2010
Tabled Date: 10/6/2010
Referred To Minister: Premier on 10/6/2010
Response Due: 2/9/2010
55 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the House of Assembly (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the House the recent decision by Arts Tasmania to de-fund Edge Radio's unique 'New Media Arts Producer Initiative' which showcases new visual artists on a monthly basis allowing them opportunities not available elsewhere to exhibit and discuss their work through the new media channels provided by the radio station and its website.
Your petitioners, therefore, reuest the House to call on Arts Tasmania to reverse their decision to de-fund the 'New Media Arts Producer Initiative'.