Principal Petitioner:
Natalie Wall
15 Wilson Street
Burnie, 7320
We, the undersigned Tasmanian Residents, draw to the attention of the House:
That the ECU are directing Family Day Care Tasmania to de-register two dual-educator FDC services in Latrobe and Spreyton. The closures of Addisons and Abracadabra will leave 50 families and 83 children without ECEC, resulting in severe financial hardship and loss of work for the families in a region experiencing critical ECEC shortages. The FDCs have provided quality education and care for 15 & 20 years without incident and at no increased risk to enrolled children.
We, the petitioners, believe that it is the purpose of the government to govern in a way that does not disadvantage children living in this state, which the closure of these services would do.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House call on the Government to: