Principal Petitioner:
Kelly Sims
C/ 184 Collins Street
Hobart 7000
Sponsor: Ms Eloise Haddad
Posting Date: 15/9/2023
Closing Date: 15/10/2023
Tabled Date: 31/10/2023
Referred To Minister: Premier on 31/10/2023
Response Due: 9/4/2024
This petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania, in particular past and present residents of the Greater Glenorchy Municipality and its surrounding service users, draws the House of Assembly's attention to the need to save the last swimming pool of its kind in Southern Tasmania, namely the 'Glenorchy War Memorial Swimming Pool' (GWMP), and to the closure of the GWMP on 1 October 2023 as a result of findings from an internal review.
The GWMP is a significant historical icon established in remembrance of our soldiers and holds great value to Tasmanians. It is located in the centre of Glenorchy and supports the community across various health and wellbeing priorities and indicators. In assessing other localities around the nation that present cases of a similar nature, infrastructure such as the GWMP is deemed crucial for municipalities with populations similar to the Glenorchy area, and the loss of the GWMP would drive it to greater disadvantage.
Many government priorities directly link and would benefit by such a facility in good working order if operated and marketed well. The loss of another valuable multipurpose, health promoting facility that leads to a huge breadth of opportunity across many spectrums, is detrimental to many in our community.
We request that the House call on the Government to undertake an independent assessment of the GWMP facility and advocate with the intention to provide for future plans, funding, and a clear timeline for the redevelopment or replacement of the pool in its current location.