The petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania draws the attention of the House to the Hobart City Council's plans to remove the statue of Dr William Crowther that has proudly stood in Franklin Square for over 130 years.
- The statue was purchased by the Tasmanian community to recognise the highly regarded former Premier's renowned medical and surgical expertise, his tireless work providing the poor and suffering with free medical care, and his political and business success. The statue was also erected in recognition of Dr Crowther's considerable philanthropy and for his "profound sympathy and kindness".
- The Hobart City Council previously described the statue as being of 'high significance', yet now plans to remove it and place in storage indefinitely. While some community members have expressed a desire for the statue to be removed, this is not the universal view or the view of the majority, including across the Aboriginal community.
- The removal of the Dr William Crowther statue will set an important precedent that must be carefully considered.
- Dr William Crowther was a Premier of the State and his work and legacy extends well beyond the borders of the City of Hobart.
Your Petitioners therefore ask the House to:
- Call on the Hobart City Council to cease its plan to remove the Dr William Crowther statue; and
- Call on the Tasmanian Government take the action required to ensure that a statewide approach to Tasmanian's monuments is developed and that all local councils are bound by this approach.