The petition of the undersigned residents of Tasmania, draws to the attention of the House:
- That Tasmanians are deeply concerned about the lack of evidence to demonstrate that the current salmon industry delivers a significant nett benefit to Tasmania and an appropriate financial return for the use of Tasmania's marine and other resources.
- That Tasmanians are deeply concerned about the lack of evidence to support the government's plan to double the annual volume of the salmon industry.
- The salmon industry has been operating in Tasmania for over 30 years without a professional business plan or an independent cost benefit analysis.
- The government intends to double the volume of the salmon industry (current farmgate value $1 billion per annum) without a business plan or an independent cost benefit analysis of the industry.
- This proposed expansion will: double consumption of Tasmania's coastal waters and fresh water; double consumption of other resources and infrastructure; and magnify the negative impact on Tasmania's cultural heritage, natural and scenic environments, tourism, commercial and recreational fishing and associated employment.
Your petitioners request the House to call on the Government to:
- Immediately produce, and publicly release, an independent, professional cost benefit analysis of the salmon industry for the year 2021/22; and
- Prior to further expansion of the salmon industry, produce and publicly release, an independent, professional business case to justify the expansion.