Principal Petitioner:
Martin Angle
C/O 331 Main Road
Glenorchy 7010
Sponsor: Ms Kristie Johnston
Posting Date: 20/7/2022
Closing Date: 26/9/2022
Tabled Date: 19/10/2022
Responded Minister: Minister for Primary Industries and Water on 23/11/2022
The petition of the undersigned citizens of Tasmania draws to the attention of the House the Report of the Legislative Council Committee Inquiry into Finfish Farming in Tasmania, which received 225 submissions and made 194 findings and 68 recommendations, with particular note to Recommendation 3: "Develop a plan, in consultation with industry, scientific and community stakeholders, to reduce inshore fin fish farming sites, with priority given to ceasing operations in sensitive, sheltered and biodiverse areas.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call on the Government to: